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The Sideline Blog

Just as sports players come to the sideline for rest and guidance, this blog is meant to provide you some insight and guidance as you explore your Strengths journey.

Gallup®, CliftonStrengths®, and the 34 theme names of CliftonStrengths® are 
trademarks of Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.


Strengths Positioning: Harmony®

Writer's picture: Chad T. AhernChad T. Ahern

Updated: Sep 22, 2021

birds eye view of soccer fields as an analogy for the blueprints of soccer; just as those with Context love to understand the blueprints of a business.
Consensus builder for practical solutions.

Leaders, and colleagues, need to position people on work project teams effectively and efficiently to ensure work gets done and people stay engaged. A lot of leaders often spend too much time trying to guess where to put people because they don't have a point of reference.

What follows is a "scouting report" for those with Harmony® talents, as identified via the CliftonStrengths assessment.

If you are a leader or a colleague of someone with these talents, consider how you can best position them in the context of your team and your projects. You can also use this as a discussion piece to find out how they see and use their Harmony® talents.

Each person with Harmony® talents operates differently. Make sure you're not missing out on their unique contribution.

Disclaimer: The following insights represent the author's opinions based on their understanding of the CliftonStrengths® themes. These are not statements created by or formally endorsed by Gallup®.

Scouting Report

Bringing people together to implement practical solutions.


Ways in which this team member can make a direct and immediate impact. Use these insights to consider where you place them on the team or in an organization.

  • Facilitator. On the soccer field, you need to balance offensive and defense. This also means you need to facilitate interactions between the two "sides" of the team. The same balancing act occurs in the workplace. There are likely those who are cautious in their approach to projects (e.g. the Defenders) and there are those who crave action and completion (e.g. the Finishers). Individuals with Harmony talents can provide the bridge between these two approaches; always remembering that you need both to keep possession of the ball...or the project.

  • Consensus Builder. Whether in the boardroom or the locker room, individuals with Harmony talents will look to find and reinforce the areas of common agreement, action and purpose. Those with Harmony talents can be key team members who can remind everyone that they are all trying to work the same "ball" (project) toward the goal line. Consider positioning them in roles where they can elicit input from a variety of voices so that common work approaches or work goals can be aired and agreed upon.


Ways in which people with this theme might "overplay" their talents.

  • Conflict Hesitant. Those with Harmony® talents can have a tough time dealing with situations that must be debated out. There are times when opposing strongly held beliefs need to be aired. These talented individuals may have a tendency to bend too far in pursuit of agreement that they forgo any or all convictions they may hold. As a leader, be ready to stand for them or give them space to voice their perspective.

  • Too Practical. Those with Harmony talents have a strong tendency to look for practical, down-to-earth approaches; "what can I do right now?" For teams that need to envision multiple (even contradictory) options for the future, those with Harmony® may struggle with the lack of concrete action planning. This could lead them to either disconnect or lack clarity on what they can do to move forward. Be ready to help them see common threads or find actions they can take that will benefit all or a majority of the future plans.

Talent Combos / Position Modification

  • Responsibility®: "The Defensive Collaborator" - Those with Responsibility® talents are driven to ensure they (and their team) complete what they promise. For that reason they can provide a great "defensive" advantage because nothing is going to get past them. Those with Harmony® + Responsibility® talents may be particular effectual in building a cohesive "defensive unit" that ensures a collective effort to ensure every practical task is taken care of. Consider positioning these individuals on teams where they can bring teams together to provide a backbone of support to the larger organization.

  • Ideation®: "The Practical Creator" - Those with Ideation talents are often driven to create and find wide ranging connections between original thoughts. If some people with Harmony® talents can become "too practical"; then those with Ideation® + Harmony® talents are likely their mirror opposites. These talented individuals are comfortable creating new opportunities and approaches, and have the wherewithal and ability to realize they need fellow team members to bring those initiatives to life. On the soccer field, these team members might create beautiful new plays, but only with the help of a teammate. As a leader in the working world, consider positioning these individuals in roles where they can imagine new ways to build collaboration or implement brand new practical solutions to problems...old and new.

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